Dr. Mohd Zaidi Md Zabri

Country of Origin

Ph.D, Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University Malaysia (2018)

[email protected]

Phone Number
+603 7651 4255
A Brief Introduction
Dr. Mohd Zaidi Md Zabri is a Senior Research Fellow at INCEIF University. Specializing in Islamic finance and financial literacy, his work focuses on leveraging Islamic finance to address socio-economic challenges. He began his academic career as a Senior Lecturer at two of Malaysia’s leading research universities—Universiti Malaya and Universiti Sains Malaysia—where he honed his craft in research, teaching, and postgraduate supervision. He has collaborated on interdisciplinary projects, secured grants from federal agencies, such as MOHE and SPRM, and published in WOS- and SCOPUS-indexed journals.
Passionate about financial literacy, he strives to make complex financial concepts accessible to the public through nearly 100 articles in Berita Harian, New Straits Times, and over 20 media appearances on TV1 and Astro AWANI, discussing socio-economic issues, financial literacy, and Malaysia’s leadership in Islamic finance. He has taught courses on economics, Islamic financial products, and financial markets at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Journal Articles
- Ramly, F. B. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (2024). Unveiling the digital desire: UTAUT analysis of NFT investment intentions in Malaysia. China Finance Review International. 14(3), 630–647 (Scopus: Q1, ESCI).
- Shahimi, S., Md Zabri, M. Z., Musafar Hameed, L. B., Mohd Abd Aziz, Z. N. A., (2023). Consumption patterns in Malaysia: reassessing the impact of COVID-19 moratorium on M40 households. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics. 31, 554–576 (Scopus: Q4).
- Ahmad, N., and Md Zabri, M. Z. (2023). The curious case of ribā’s muted role in bank selection criteria among Muslims in Klang Valley, Malaysia. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance. 15(2), 136–158 (Scopus: Q2, ESCI).
- Abd Rahman N. H., Md Zabri, M. Z. & Ali M.M. (2022). Addressing the agricultural financing gap in Malaysia via Manihah Agricultural Financing Model: will Islamic banks go the extra mile? Agricultural Finance Review. 82(4), 714–731 (Scopus: Q1, ESCI).
- Nik Azman N. H. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (2022). Sharīʿah-compliant fintech usage among microentrepreneurs in Malaysia: an extension of UTAUT model, Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance. 8(2), 305–324 (Scopus: Q3).
- Nik Azman, N. H., Md Zabri, M. Z. & Zull Kepili, E. I., (2021). Nexus between Islamic microfinancing and financial wellbeing of micro-entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 55(1), 135–146 (Scopus: Q3).
- Nik Azman, N. H., Md Zabri, M. Z., Masron, T. A. & Abdul Kader Malim, N. (2020). The utilization of Islamic fintech (i-fintech) in promoting sustainable, inclusive growth: Evidence from micro-entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 6(3), 555–576 (Scopus).
- Md Zabri, M. Z. & Haron, Razali. (2019). A comparative analysis of financial affordability in Islamic home financing instruments in Malaysia. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 12(6), 1093–1112 (Scopus: Q2, ESCI).
- Md Zabri, M. Z. & Mohammed, M. O. (2018). Examining the behavioral intention to participate in a Cash Waqf-Financial Cooperative-Mushārakah Mutanāqiṣah home financing model. Managerial Finance, 44(6), 809–829 (Scopus: Q3, ESCI).
- Md Zabri, M. Z. & Mohammed, M. O. (2018). Qualitative validation of a financially affordable Islamic home financing model. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 10(2), 143–161 (Scopus: Q4, ESCI).
Selected Newspaper Articles
- Mokhtar, M. M. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (31/12/2024) Envisioning a brighter future for children with special needs. The Star.
- Mokhtar, M. M. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (29/12/2024) Envisioning a brighter future for children with special needs. Malay Mail.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (24/12/2024) Melakar harapan masa depan anak berkeperluan khas. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (11/12/2024) Laksana subsidi bersasar RON95 berperingkat elak rakyat terbeban. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (30/10/2024) Fuelling fairness in Malaysia’s two-tier RON95 pricing. Malay Mail.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (26/10/2024) Belanjawan 2025 tingkat kapasti OKU merancak ekonomi. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (17/10/2024) Ekonomi Islam wahana keadilan tanpa eksploitasi. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (05/09/2024) Indeks Zakat piawaian baharu pelaburan beretika. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (27/08/2024) Piawaian pelaburan beretika. Harian Metro.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (14/08/2024) Indeks Zakat piawaian baharu pelaburan beretika. Berita RTM.
- Sharofiddin, A. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (20/07/2024) Malaysia has much to gain from joining BRICS. New Straits Time.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (10/06/2024) Investments in health spur economy. New Straits Times.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (30/05/2024) Dari Kigali ke Kuala Lumpur: Gelap rasuah, terang berubah. Malaysia Gazette.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (30/04/2024) Dari keriangan ke pelaburan masa hadapan. Berita RTM.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (04/04/2024) Tolak penganjuran SUKOM 2026 elak negara terjerat beban hutang. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (21/03/2024) Rethink bid to host 2026 CW Games. The Sun.
- Sharofiddin, A. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (22/01/2024) Decoding digital assets through Malaysia’s syariah lens. The Sun.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (10/10/2023) Sandwiched M40s trying to make ends meet. Malaysiakini.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (09/10/2023) The “sandwiched” M40s. Astro AWANI.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (05/10/2023) Mari kita tunjukkan jalan perbankan Islam di Russia. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (19/09/2023) Memperkasa wakaf hijau. Harian Metro.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (25/08/2023) Jalin perkongsian pintar promosi sistem perbankan Islam di Russia. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (17/08/2023) Perkasa daya tahan iklim negara menerusi strategi wakaf hijau. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (13/07/2023) Wakaf korporat pastikan projek CSR berterusan. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (28/06/2023) Korban bukan sekadar ibadah di bulan Zulhijjah. Harakahdaily.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (22/06/2023) Pertingkat potensi wakaf korporat pacu kehidupan lestari. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (22/06/2023) Wakaf tandan: Teladan baru pemain wakaf korporat. Malaysiakini.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (09/06/2023) Naik OPR: Pastikan rakyat rancang perbelanjaan dahulu. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (05/06/2023) Dipandu rangka kerja telus. Harian Metro.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (31/05/2023) Pergiat penerangan kaedah penentuan OPR. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (30/05/2023) Insight into status of Bank Negara. The Star.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (29/05/2023) MPC and its independent role in the OPR-setting policy. Malaysiakini.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (28/05/2023) MPC and its independent role in the OPR-setting policy. Malay Mail.
- Abdul Hamid, M. H. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (24/05/2023) Untung bersasar perlu jadi keutamaan Tabung Haji. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (19/05/2023) Penetapan kadar OPR bebas pengaruh politik, dikawal MPC. Berita Harian.
- Abdul Hamid, M. H. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (12/05/2023) Potensi agihan keuntungan bersasar Tabung Haji. Harakahdaily.
- Abdul Hamid, M. H. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (06/05/2023) Rangka agihan untung bersasar jadikan operasi TH lebih lestari. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (02/05/2023) Cagar simpanan pencarum imbangi keupayaan KWSP. Berita Harian.
- Abdul Hamid, M. H. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (24/03/2023) Tidak patut timbul istilah ‘jemaah haji B40’ Utusan Malaysia.
- Abdul Hamid, M. H. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (20/02/2023) Kurang jumlah hari bukan penyelesaian isu kos haji meningkat. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (26/09/2022) Elak subsidi tidak bersasar tiris lagi. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (08/06/2022) Krisis makanan: Mengoptimumkan penggunaan teknologi pertanian. Kosmo!
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (23/06/2022) Kerjasama bersepadu mampu rancakkan pengeluaran makanan. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (20/06/2022) Semakin banyak import, semakin lemah ringgit. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (16/08/2022) Galak alumni, industri salur dana tampung bakul makanan siswa. Berita Harian.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (17/08/2022) Bakul Makanan Siswa: Apa jadi selepas 6 bulan? Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (20/05/2021) Time to consider imposing a windfall tax. New Straits Times.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (20/05/2021) Vaksin melebar jurang negara kaya, miskin. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (16/11/2021) Manis biar hanya di bibir! Harian Metro.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (17/12/2021) Mampukah simpanan KWSP memayungi hari tua kita? Malaysiakini.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. & Abd Rahman, N. H. (22/12/2021) Kebun bandar boleh ringan beban keluarga B40, Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (01/12/2021) Rawatan diabetes bebankan kerajaan. Utusan Malaysia.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. & Abd Rahman, N. (16/12/2021) Menangani isu keselamatan makanan negara: Membugar sektor pertanian.’ Harian Metro.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (10/12/2020) Menjawab menteri kewangan seputar cukai durian runtuh. The Malaysian Insight.
- Md Zabri, M. Z. (24/04/2019) TH: Instrumen simpanan atau pelaburan? Utusan Malaysia.
- Recipient of the Best Paper Award, 26th Malaysian Finance Association International Conference 2024 (MFAIC 2024) (International).
Recipient of the Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (Excellence Service Award), 2023 (University).
Selected Conference Presentations
- Amil, A. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (Sep 2024). COVID-19 pandemic power play in Bursa Malaysia: how glove-related announcements shaped stock market investor’s reaction? Paper presented at the 26th Malaysian Finance Association International Conference (MFAIC 2024), Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia (International).
- Aji, H. M., Che Ha, N. & Md Zabri, M. Z. (June 2023). Intergroup prosocial behavior: a systematic review and future research agenda. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy and Policy (MSP2023), Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (International).
- Nik Azman, N. H., Md Zabri, M. Z., Zulkepili, E. I. & Abdul Kader Malim, N. (November 2022). Determinants of sharīʿah-compliant stocks literacy (SSL) investment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the 5th International Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Conference (IIMEFC 2022), Jakarta, Indonesia (International).
- Shahimi, S., Razali, N. A., Musafar Hameed, L. B., Md Zabri, M. Z. & Ismail, M. A. (January 2021). Impacts of COVID-19 and policy responses: what is known so far? Paper presented at the Persidangan Kebangsaan Ekonomi Malaysia (PERKEM) Ke-15, 2020–2021, Putrajaya, Malaysia (National).