MySay: Higher-for-longer US interest rates imply lower-for-longer Asian currencies
May 17, 2024
By Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha The elevenfold increase in interest rates by the Fed caused the US dollar to appreciate sharply against just about every other currency and the resulting squeeze led […]
Thoughts on How to Build an Islamic Stock Market
November 27, 2023
Commencement Address during INCEIF University 14th Convocation 2023 (4 November 2023) at Sasana Kijang, Bank Negara Malaysia. by Tan Sri Andrew Sheng Distinguished Fellow, Institute for Capital Market Research YBhg. […]
Is it not the right moment for the Maldives to ...
November 8, 2023
In recent years, crowdfunding has emerged as a dynamic force in the Maldives, providing individuals, organizations and causes with a powerful tool to mobilize financial support from a broad audience. […]
In a level playing field, risk-sharing contracts of Islamic finance ...
October 24, 2023
The Covid-19 pandemic may have necessitated huge deficit spending by governments, but even as the pandemic has ebbed, global debt has continued to balloon. Now totalling US$307 trillion (RM1.4 quadrillion), […]
China needs to avoid being the next Japan
September 18, 2023
There was a time in the 1960s when, following many years of very impressive growth, the bet was on the Soviet Union overtaking the US to become the world’s largest […]
AAOIFI enhances Shariah compliance and fiduciary ratings of Sukuk
September 11, 2023
In a new exposure draft (AGEB 2/2022 v.10.0) of the AAOIFI Governance Standard (GS), AAOIFI provided rating agencies with guidelines for evaluating the Shariah compliance and fiduciary rating of Sukuk and other Islamic finance instruments. The exposure draft […]
Malaysia issues ‘Risk Management in Technology’ policy document
July 3, 2023
Prof Dr Younes Soualhi reviewed Malaysia’s `Risk Management in Technology’ policy document in his latest article in the Islamic Finance News portal.
My Say: Widening distrust of globalisation could herald economic fragmentation
February 28, 2023
It was the Ricardian theory of comparative advantage that provided the rationale for why nations should trade among themselves and how it can be beneficial to all. Steady growth in […]
Emerging markets can benefit as the West decouples from China
January 25, 2023
For at least the last two decades, a presence in China was seen by Western firms as a distinct competitive advantage over their peers. Now, all that seems to be […]