Commissioned research means research work that is outsourced to an external party or parties based on topics identified by ISRA RMC. The commissioned research could be done either in a collaborative form (known as commissioned collaborative), whereby ISRA RMC researchers or practitioners may also be involved in the research, or could be conducted exclusively by the commissioned researcher(s).

Examples of commissioned research projects conducted thus far include the following:

  1. The Modules on the Development of Islamic Banking in Malaysia
  2. Maybank Ethical Banking Framework Phase 2 & 3
  3. Integrating Maqasid Shari’ah in the Fatwa Decision: A Proposed Framework for Shari’ah Supervisory Boards (SSB)
  4. Developing the Tayyib Framework for Islamic Financial  Institutions in Malaysia
  5. Shariah Advisory & Market Publications and other outputs
  6. Translation: The Role of Value and Ethics in Islamic Economy Sh. Qardawi
  7. Shari’ah issues relating to the resolution of the Islamic Bank
  8. Developing Maqasid al Shariah-based Value Based – Intermediate for Takaful (VBIT) Scorecard Research Project

Collaborative research refers to research projects that involve combined efforts of internal and external researchers, each bringing distinct expertise to a project on a topic identified by both parties.

See Available Collaborative Research