New Student Pass and Visa Endorsement
Your Student Pass approval is subject to your post arrival medical health check report. We will notify you via email or phone call should your report fail. Appealing of medical health check report is subject to the approval from the EMGS.
- You are NOT to arrange any travel arrangement during the endorsement process till you receive back your passport.
- You are responsible to perform the medical check-up and submit your passport within the stipulated time. If you don’t perform the tasks on time, it will cause insufficient time for EMGS to process your endorsement.
- Usually, the validity of the student pass is 12 months. However, the duration is subject to the discretion of Immigration Malaysia. You have to check the duration when you collect your passport.
Effective from 1 Oct 2014, all international students will receive an iKad (International Students Card) once your student pass has been endorsed. The iKad will contain your name, passport number, education institution you enrolled and duration of your student pass. You can use your iKad to travel within Peninsula Malaysia.
Renewal of Student Pass
It is the responsibility of the student to monitor the expiry date of their Student Pass (Visa). Students are required to submit the renewal documents for Student Pass (Visa) extension four (4) months before the expiry / internship / school trip and etc. (whichever is earlier).
The passport for endorsement has to be submitted two (2) months before expiry date/internship/school trip/etc. (whichever is earlier)
There will be a charge of RM190.00 imposed by EMGS for the annual Student Pass renewal which includes the Student Pass and Visa application fee (RM140) and iKAD (RM50).
The following documents are required for Student Pass and Visa Renewal Application:
- There will be a charge of RM190.00 imposed by EMGS for the annual Student Pass renewal which includes the Student Pass and Visa application fee (RM140) and iKAD (RM50).
- The following documents are required for Student Pass and Visa Renewal Application:
- Two (2) clear sets of Full Passport Photocopy (All pages including blank pages and cover page) Passport must have a minimum eighteen (18) months validity).
- Two (2) passport size photos (with Blue background) 3.5cm wide x 5cm height.
- One (1) copy of the passport particular page and the latest Student Pass page (to be certified as a true copy and kept by students).
- Special Pass payment (RM300) if submission of renewal documents is done less than eight (8) weeks from expiry date.
Regular attendance is compulsory. The university is required by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Malaysia to report to the MOE, Police and Immigration if you are absent for 3 consecutive days without valid reason or prior permission from the university.
Student Pass and
Visa Cancellation
The Malaysia Immigration Department requires all international students to cancel their Student Pass and Visa when they have completed their studies, termination, deferred (if it is more than 3 months) or withdrawn from the University. Submission of original passport and copy of flight ticket departing 4 weeks later (e.g Submission of passport for cancellation is August 1 & date of departure is September 1) for cancellation of Student Pass (Visa) must be received by International Office four (4) weeks before travelling date.
Leaving without properly cancelling your student pass will result in the forfeiture of your Personal Bond deposit by Immigration Malaysia and can cause consequences if a student decides to apply to another institution within Malaysia.
General Rules and Regulations:
- A student must abide by Malaysian law at all times
- A student has committed a case of misconduct when:
- He is found guilty of criminal charges by court
- He is involved in any jobs, trades or the like, on part-time basis, which are deemed illegal in the Immigration Ordinance 1959 and the Immigration Rules and Regulations 1963 or other laws or that which could affect his studies.
- A student is to abide by all the rules and regulations that are enforced by the institution
- A student must at all times respect the culture, norms and beliefs of the Malaysians.