i-Connect is an industry-led collaborative network involving a quadruple helix (industry, academia, government, and civil society) for disruptive innovation.
It aims to create and nurture a conducive innovation ecosystem in Malaysia that will increase disruptive innovation. This will enable Malaysia to leverage new economic opportunities for Malaysian industries to enter emerging global markets.
INCEIF University has been appointed as the Neutral Entity for the i-Connect Fintech in Islamic Finance by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM), under the purview of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI).
INCEIF, as the Neutral Entity, is guiding a consortium of 18 Founding Members representing the industry, academia, government, and civil society to catalyze innovations, nurture talent, and develop homegrown, high-value innovations in Fintech for Islamic Finance by bridging the gap between R&D and business through Knowledge-based Innovation to address the pain points that require demand-driven R&D through:
- Establish a collaboration network for disruptive innovation (new product/ service/business models) in Fintech in Islamic Finance for Malaysia to leverage new economic opportunities to serve emerging markets and to expand its global reach;
- Invite research community and Islamic fintech players to apply for Grant focused on deployment phase
Intended to be used to develop disruptive solutions using one or more of the sciences and technology drivers.
The Grant is intended to be used to bridge the gap that often exists among Research, Development and Deployment phases.
Grant applicant must fund at least 50% of the total project cost.
Who can take part in our program?
Open to all applicants
The application involves at least one (1) local Malaysian company/organization in collaboration with at least one (1) local Malaysian university or research center.
The project must be completed within 12 months with the Malaysian company/organization (industry) as the project lead and within 12 months of product commercialization
Roles and responsibilities, contributions, and ownership of the project outcomes shall be addressed and agreed upon by the project partners prior to execution of the collaboration.
Merit Criteria
- The initial technology readiness level of the project shall be between TRL 3 to TRL 9 inclusively.Priority given to TRL 6 and above
- Alignment with the 10-10 MySTIE Framework
- Demonstration of Advanced Characteristics
– Advanced knowledge
– Advanced process
– Business model innovation