On 07 August 2019, ISRA Consultancy has successfully conducted in-house training for Affin Hwang Capital Group. The training was held at Affin Hwang Centre, Level 3, Chulan Tower and was attended by 29 participants from various position.
The training focuses on the Islamic Stockbroking Services, Stock Screening & Islamic Securities Selling and Buying Negotiated Transaction (ISSBNT). The topic was discussed in three sessions delivered by our excellent consultants; i) Prof. Dr. Ashraf Md. Hashim; ii) Dr. Tuan Badrul Hisyam Tuan Soh; and iii) Mr. Mazrul Shahir Md Zuki. Alhamdulillah, we have received positive responses and feedback from the participants and looking forward to continue providing our services in the future.