Product Structuring and Development
Crafting innovative Islamic financial products tailored to meet market demands and regulatory requirements.
Industrial Market Research and Feasibility Study
Conducting comprehensive analysis to assess the viability and potential of Islamic financial ventures within specific industries.
Develop Legal and Regulatory Framework
Designing robust legal and regulatory frameworks compliant with Shariah principles to ensure ethical and lawful business operations.
Shariah Endorsement and Certification
Securing Shariah compliance endorsement and certification for financial products and services through rigorous evaluation by Shariah scholars.
Shariah Stock Screening
Identifying Shariah-compliant stocks and securities through meticulous screening processes aligned with Islamic finance principles and several Shariah screening methodology adopted by different jurisdictions such as SC Malaysia, AAOIFI, DJIMI, MSCI and others.
Shariah Views on Sukuk Structure
Providing insights and guidance on structuring Sukuk (Islamic bonds) in accordance with Shariah principles and market requirements.
Shariah Manual System
Developing comprehensive manuals and internal SOP outlining Shariah guidelines and procedures for financial institutions and businesses to ensure compliance.
Curriculum Development
Designing specialised educational programmes and training modules focusing on Islamic finance subjects including banking, takaful, capital market, fintech and sustainability.
Business Zakat Calculation
Facilitating accurate Zakat (Islamic almsgiving) calculations for businesses in adherence to Shariah requirements and methodology adopted by different jurisdictions such as State Islamic Religious Council (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri), JAWHAR, AAOIFI and others.
Islamic Wealth Management Structure
Designing personalised wealth management and estate planning structures grounded in Islamic principles to optimise financial growth and preservation such as development of Faraidh (Islamic Inheritance Law) calculator, Wasiyyah (will and bequest), hibah (gift) and others.
Shariah Audit
Conducting thorough periodic assessments to offer independent evaluations and objective assurances, enhancing compliance and optimizing operations of the Islamic financial institution (IFI) and Islamic business to ensure a robust and effective internal control system for Shariah compliance.
Shariah Compliance Review
Regular assessments to ensure that all activities and operations of the Islamic financial institution (IFI) and Islamic business adhere to Shariah principles, preventing any contravention.
Complete and organic translation of Islamic banking documents, fatwa reports and multilingual Islamic finance research papers in English, Arabic, Malay, Mandarin and French.

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Our Islamic Finance Consultancy service ensures that your business receives the following for a more efficient consulting experience

Access to world-renowned Islamic finance practitioners, economics, accountants, business, legals, auditors, regulators and Shariah experts

24/7 contact availability

Careful review and recommendations for business practice

Experienced consultants with proven track records

Assistance with the integration of Shariah-compliant practices