Professional Shariah Guidance and Advice
Responding to specific queries as well as offering expert advice and Shariah legal opinions (fatwas) on financial products and services to ensure they comply with Shariah.
Acting as the External Shariah Adviser
Liaising with relevant stakeholders and departments of the institutions to keep them updated on Shariah rulings and industry best practices as well as approving their operational procedures.
Consult Us Today
Learn more about our advisory services or make an
appointment with our experts to discuss further details.
Our Shariah Advisory service ensures that your business receives the following for a more efficient advisory experience
Access to world-renowned Islamic finance practitioners, economics, accountants, business, legals, auditors, regulators and Shariah experts
24/7 contact availability
Careful review and recommendations for business practice
Experienced advisors with proven track records
Assistance with integration of Shariah-compliant practices