Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Nizam

Country of Origin

Islamic Banking and Finance from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

[email protected]

Phone Number
A Brief Introduction
Dr. Ismail Nizam, an associate professor at INCEIF University, earned his PhD in Business Administration, MSc in Finance, and BA in Business Administration from the International Islamic University Malaysia. He holds certifications such as Certified Shariah Advisor and Auditor from AAOIFI, Bahrain, and Certified Train-the-Trainer Exemption from HRD Corporation, Malaysia. His expertise encompasses business strategy, strategic sustainability, digital strategies and maqasid al shariah based measurements. Dr. Ismail Nizam has extensive experience in training and consulting across diverse industries, and has held significant positions, including Head of Business School at Universiti Malaya-Wales. He chairs and serves on shariah advisory councils in the Maldives and is a member of international professional bodies. Dr. Nizam has published numerous journal papers, presented at international conferences, and supervises postgraduate dissertations. Over the past 12 years, he has conducted various training and development programs and engaged in consulting projects focused on customer service, process improvements, competency frameworks, and corporate strategies.
Journal Articles
- Basit, A., Nizam, I., Goh, R., Sethumadhavan, S., Hanif, N. R., Hassan, Z., & Mohd Aini, A. (2023). Residents’ satisfaction of property management mobile applications: a study in the context of strata property in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Property Management.
- Chai, T. Y., & Nizam, I. (2021). Impact of artificial intelligence in automotive industries transformation. ResearchGate. https: HYPERLINK” https://doi. org/10.24924/ijise/2021.04/v9. iss2/01.35″//doi. org/10.24924/ijise/2021.04/v9. iss2/01.35.
- Tee, L. S., & Nizam, I. (2020). The Influence of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance Mediated by Gender Diversity. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 10(1), 61-79.
- Sidhu, G. K., & Nizam, I. (2020). Coaching and Employee Performance: The Mediating Effect of Rewards & Recognition in Malaysian Corporate Context. International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 7(1), 41-72.
- Subramaniam, T., Nizam, I., & Eissa, A. K. (2019). The Impact of Core Competencies of IT Professionals on Business Success in Malaysia. International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 6(7), 496-520.
- Cletus, D., Nizam, I., Eissa, A. M. K., & Khan, M. K. H. (2019). The impact of learning style on student performance: mediated by personality. International Journal of Education, Learning and Training, 4(2), 22-47.
- Nizam, I & Hassan, Z (2018). The Impact of Good Governance of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: A Study on the South Asia Region, International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, Vol. (6), N0. (1), pp. 66 – 73. DOI: 10.24924/ijabm/2018.04/v6.iss1.66.79
- Nizam, I & Vilhi, M (2018). The Determinants of Green ICT Adoption in the Foreign Multinationals in Malaysia, International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, Vol. (5), No. (4), pp. 214 – 228.
- Nizam, I & Kam, K (2018). The Determinants of Work-Life Balance in the Event Industry of Malaysia, International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, Vol. (5), No. (3), pp. 141 – 160
- Chong, Y., & Nizam, I. (2018). The impact of accounting software on business performance. International Journal of Information System and Engineering, 6(1), 1-25.
- Nagatijo, M. B; Nizam, I & Jupri, N. B (2017). The Determinants Of Occupants/Tenants Satisfaction: A Case Of Private Low Cost Housing In Kuala Lumpur, International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, Vol. (5), N0. (1), pp. 189 – 194. DOI: 24924/ijabm/2017.04/v5.iss1/180.188
- Nizam, I & Chong, Y (2017), The Impact of Accounting Software on Business Performance, International Journal of Information System and Engineering, Vol. 6(1), DOI: 10.24924/ijise/2018.04/v6.iss1/01.26
- Didi, A. M, Nizam, I & Shahibzada, H (2016). The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and the Intention to Return: A Study on Tourism Sector of Maldives, International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, Vol. 4(2), pp. 179 – 205, DOI: 10.24924/ijabm/2016.11/v4.iss2/179.205
- Mensah, S. O & Nizam, I (2016), The Impact of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance: A Case of Malaysia Tertiary Institutions, International Journal of Education, Learning and Training, Vol. 1(1), pp. 14-21, DOI: 10.24924/ijelt/2016.11/v1.iss1/14.21
- Tie, S. C., & Nizam, I. (2016). Determinants of financial well-being for generation in Malaysia. International Journal of Education, Learning and Training, Vol. I (1)
- Paschal, A. O., & Nizam, I. (2016). Effects of Organisational Culture on Employees Performance: Case of Singapore Telecommunication. International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, 4 (1), pp. 19-26.
- Shahibzada, H & Nizam, I (2016), Why Walmart Failed in Germany? An Analysis in the Perspective of Organizational Behaviour, International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, Vol. 4(2), pp. 206 – 215, DOI: 10.24924/ijabm/2016.11/v4.iss2/206.215
- Ebinagbome, M. E & Nizam, I (2016), The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Students’ Academic Performance, International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, Vol. 4(1), pp. 10 – 18, DOI: 10.24924/ijabm/2016.04/v4.iss1/10.18
- Abdulla, A., & Nizam, I. (2015). The Determinants of Customer Retention in the Construction Industry of the Maldives. International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 62 – 86
- Safiah, F., & Nizam, I. (2015). The effects of working capital management on the profitability of plantation and petroleum sector in Malaysia. International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, 3(2), 87-108.
- Lashari, M., Nizam, I., & Hassan, Z. (2015). Maximizing Growth Value through Mergers and Acquisitions, International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 46 – 61
Conference Presentations
- Larbani, M & Nizam, I (2014), An Index of Well-Being Based on Maqāşid Al-Shariah and Fuzzy Set Theory, Conference Presentation at International Conference on Maqaasid Al Shari’ah based Index of Human Development, IDB, Jeddah.
- Nizam, I., & Larbani, M. (2014). An Integrated Maqaasid Al-Shariah based Measure of Socioeconomic Prosperity: A Composite Index. In International Thematic Workshop on Developing a Maqaasid Al-Shari’ah based Measurement of Socio-economic Development (pp. 124-137), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Book Chapters
- Nizam, I & Larbani, M (2016), A Maqasid Al-Shari’ah based Measurement of Socioeconomic Prosperity: A Composite Index for OIC Member Countries, in book: POLICY DISCUSSION ON MAQASID AL-SHARI’AH FOR SOCIOECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Edition: 1, Chapter: 8, Publisher: Penerbit KUIS, Editors: Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Salman Syed Ali, Latifa Bibi Musafar Hameed.
- Nizam, I & Larbani, M (2016), A Structural Equation Model of the Maqāsid Al-Shari’ah as a Socio-economic Policy Tool, in book: POLICY DISCUSSION ON MAQASID AL-SHARI’AH FOR SOCIOECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Edition: 1, Chapter: 9, Publisher: Penerbit KUIS, Editors: Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Salman Syed Ali, Latifa Bibi Musafar Hameed.
- Larbani, M., & Nizam, I. (2019). An Index of Well-Being Based on Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah and Fuzzy Set Theory. In Towards a Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah Index of Socio-Economic Development (pp. 231-248). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.