Dr. Noor Suhaida Kasri

Country of Origin

Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Banking Finance and Management

[email protected]

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A Brief Introduction
Dr Noor Suhaida binti Kasri is a Senior Research Fellow and the Director of Islamic Economy Department at ISRA Research Management Centre, INCEIF University. She received her Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Banking Finance and Management from the University of Gloucestershire (in collaboration with Markfield Institute of Higher Education), United Kingdom under the sponsorship of ISRA. Her Master in Laws was from King’s College of London under the funding of the British Chevening Scholarship Award. Her Bachelor of Laws and Diploma in Shariah Legal Practice was from the International Islamic University of Malaysia. Prior to joining ISRA, she had almost twelve years of experience as a Malaysian advocate and solicitors as well as a Syarie lawyer. She sat as one of MUFG Bank (Malaysia) Berhad’s Shariah Committee members from 2017-2020. Her research interest is in law, regulation, sustainability, social and ethical finance. She has written a number of research papers, articles, and textbook chapters and presented at conferences globally.
- Maqasid al-Shariah and Sustainable Development Goals Convergence: An Assessment of Global Best Practices”,
- “Islamic Banking, Islamic Capital Market and Takaful: The Shari’ah and Common Law Harmonisation Analysis”,
- “Report for COMCEC on the Role of Sukuk in Islamic Capital Markets”,
- “Report for Awqaf New Zealand on Temporary and Permanent Cash Waqf Sukuk”,
- “The World Bank Group-INCEIF-ISRA Report on Maximizing Social Impact Through Waqf Solutions”, “The Value-based Intermediation Full Report 2022”
Research Papers (Top 5)
- “Issues in Islamic Hedging Practices: A Critical Analysis”,
- “The Application of Hibah In The Islamic Financial Services Industry In Malaysia: Towards A Sharīʿah-Oriented Legal Framework”,
- “Contra Trading In Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad: A Sharīʿah And Legal Appraisal”, “Financial Hardship Framework for Abandoned Housing Project”,
- “Speculation in the Islamic Capital Market: Setting the Sharīʿah Parameters”,
- “Corporate Waqf As A Viable Islamic Capital Market Instrument For The Sustainability Of Malaysia’s Higher Learning Institutions”