Country of Origin
Qualification Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA . (1996)
[email protected]
Phone Number
+603 7651 4197
A Brief Introduction
Prior to joining INCEIF, Prof. Dr. Mansor H. Ibrahim served the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for three years (2009- 2011) and the Department of Economics, International Islamic University Malaysia for 12 years (1996-2008). He studied at Washington University where he received his A. B. (Economics) in 1990, A.M. (Economics) in 1991 and PhD in Economics in 1996. His research interest includes monetary economics, money and banking, analysis of financial markets and applied econometrics. He currently serves as Deputy President Academic (DPA) of INCEIF and as Dean for School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS).
- Monetary policy, financial development and income inequality in developing countries. The Singapore Economic Review.
- Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate in a Large Emerging Economy Global Business Review.
- Does sectoral diversification of loans and financing improve bank returns and risk in dual-banking systems? Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
- Financial intermediation costs in a dual banking system: the role of Islamic banking. Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking.
- Environment, social and governance (ESG) performance and CDS spreads: the role of country sustainability. The Journal of Risk Finance.
- Oil and macro-financial linkages: evidence from the GCC countries. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.
- Credit expansion and financial stability in Malaysia. Economic Modelling.
- The response of sectoral returns to macroeconomic shocks in the Malaysian stock market. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies.