Category Archives: Islamic Capital Markets

Islamic Capital Markets
Thoughts on How to Build an Islamic Stock Market

Commencement Address during INCEIF University 14th Convocation 2023 (4 November 2023) at Sasana Kijang, Bank [...]

Determinants of capital structure: evidence from Shari’ah compliant and non-compliant firms

Abstract Many Muslim individual and institutional investors seek to invest only in stocks that are [...]

Shariah Stock Screening and the Optimal Capital Structure – need for a rethink?

Think Piece By Prof. Dr. Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha The capital structure decision is a highly [...]

Sukuk Shehama

Sukuk Shehama is a financial instrument that has only recently emerged. It is a form of [...]

Making a case for GDP-linked sukuk

Sukuk may be the most popular product in Islamic finance. It may also have international [...]

Capital Markets of the Muslim world: The Paradox Within

If one looks at a list of the world’s largest Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), the [...]