Islamic Finance for Board of Directors (IF4BOD)

The Islamic Finance for Board Programme is one of the initiatives of Bank Negara Malaysia in support of the developments that have shaped the Malaysian Islamic banking landscape over the past three decades. The programme aims to activate Islamic banking innovations as a board room priority of financial institutions, emphasising on a clear understanding of differences in the value orientation and operationalisation of Islamic banking business vis-à-vis conventional banking. The programme is mandatory for directors of Islamic banking institutions and their respective conventional counterparts within the same banking group.

This programme brings together a team of international and local experts to discuss and reflect on the dynamism of Shariah and its applicability to financial institutions.

  • Enhance Director’s appreciation on the dynamics of Shariah principles in shaping different offerings of Islamic banking business.
  • Equip Directors with practical understanding on the value propositions of Islamic finance and its specificities vis-à-vis conventional banking with the aim of enhancing business potential.
  • Provide Directors with diverse perspectives from within and beyond the Islamic banking community on contemporary issues in the industry.